Congress holds special competence over the factual arena while the Supreme Court holds special competence over the interpretation of the constitution. 国会就事实领域拥有专门的权利,而最高法院就宪法的解释拥有专门的权利。
Jefferson's philosophical consistency was in question because of his strict interpretation of the Constitution. 杰弗逊的哲学连贯性受到质疑,因为他以前是严格的宪法执行者。
The Practice of Natural Law in Constitutional Interpretation& A Case Study on Interpretation of American Constitution 自然法理论在宪法解释中的运用&以对美国宪法的解释为例
Based on the interpretation of the cosmic constitution through harmony in numbers, Pythagorean School established cosmic aesthetics. 他们用数的和谐解释宇宙的构成,创立了宇宙美学理论。
The twilight glow of the sky; a Twilight area in the interpretation of the constitution. 天空中微弱的亮光;宪法阐述中含糊不清的地方。
The Australian high court has undergone a process in its interpretation of the Constitution from rejecting to invoking the minutes of the constitutional conference. 澳大利亚高等法院在解释宪法中,从拒绝使用制宪会议辩论记录到承认运用这些记录。
Some Questions about the Formulation, Amendment, Interpretation and Implementation of the PRC Constitution in Effect ( I); 我国现行宪法在制订、修改、解释和实施中的若干问题(一)
Interpretation of the Constitution and laws. 宪法和法律的解释权。
The Amendment and the Interpretation of the Constitution 宪法修改与宪法解释
An Analysis of Discourse in Interpretation of the Constitution 宪法解释的语境分析
Some questions, such as constitutional judicature and interpretation of constitution, rights distribution and respect to private property, and just procedure in limitation for private property, are to be further considered in performance of constitution. 在宪法的实施中,尚存在宪法的司法化与解释、权利分配与私有财产的尊重以及私有财产限制中的程序正义等问题值得进一步思考。
It has ample necessity and possibility to apply the Constitution in courts. Applying constitution in courts, review of constitutionality and interpretation of constitution are three different concepts. 宪法司法化有着充分的必要性和可能性,宪法司法化与违宪审查、宪法解释是不同的概念。
The Political Interpretation of American Constitution 美国宪法的政治解释
Logical Classification of Constitution and the Dispute in Interpretation and Amendment of Constitution in Its Development 宪法的逻辑分类与宪法发展中的释宪与修宪之争
The Base of the Constitution and the Interpretation Principle of Chinese Constitution 宪法之本与中国宪法解释的原则
The interpretation of Constitution needs a final authoritative organ, yet it can not function properly without the supplement of other organs, which has been shared by different countries in terms of constitutional interpretation. 宪法解释需要一个最终的、权威的机关,但也离不开其他的机关为补充,这是各国宪法解释的共同特点。
This paper gives several reflections about it from the basis, power, the relationship between the revision of Constitution and the interpretation of Constitution. 本文将从宪法修改的理由、宪法修改权以及宪法修改与宪法解释的关系等方面进行阐述。
On Basic National Policies in Constitution The Judicial Interpretation of the Constitution Value 宪法基本国策研究宪法价值的规定性
The interpretation of constitution is every bit as old as constitution itself, and it has always been highly esteemed in western countries. 宪法解释自宪法产生之日起就与宪法相伴而生,并且历来受到西方各国的高度重视。
The legal obstacles include the lack of applicability of Constitution, the power of interpretation of Constitution and interpretation of law was separated from the apply of law, and the ill-matched between commonly law and system of the supervising of Constitution. 同时,宪法缺乏可适用性、宪法和法律的解释权与法律适用相分离以及普通法律与宪法监督制度不配套乃是阻碍法律违宪审查制在中国建立的法律障碍。
The methods, procedure and force of these cases of living interpretation of constitution will still exist until the establishment of standard interpretative system of constitution and laws. 这些活的宪法解释案例的方法、程序、效力,在规范的宪法解释、法律解释制度最终确立之前,将继续存在。
China has not yet truly established the system of interpretation of the Constitution so far, only the interpretation of the Constitution in our country is really established can we enter into constitutional track. 我国迄今为止尚未真正确立起宪法解释制度,只有在我国真正建立起宪法解释制度,我国的宪法实施才能步入宪政轨道。
The analysis of interpretation of the constitution has far-reaching implications on the implementation and development of the constitution, however, we have not given enough attention on interpretation of the nature of the constitution, so our system of constitutional interpretation is far from perfect. 通过宪法解释权性质的分析对宪法的实施、发展具有深远影响,而我国对宪法解释权性质却没有给予足够的重视,我国的宪法解释制度还很不完善。
Different countries use different constitutional interpretation model because of the different interpretation of the Constitution. 世界上不同的国家采用不同的宪法解释权模式,这是因为对宪法解释权性质的分析不同所导致的。
The interpretation of moral education resources constitution is an important premise of exploration and utilization of these resources. Third chapter, exploration and utilization of moral education resources. 解读德育资源的构成是对其进行开发利用的重要前提。第三章,德育资源的开发与利用。
The interpretation system of the Constitution is a way to solve of the conflict between the implementation of the constitution and social life. It plays an important role to safeguard the implementation of the constitution, maintain constitutional government, and restrain the power. 宪法解释制度是为解决宪法实施中宪法与社会生活冲突而采取的一种手段,它作为保障宪法实施、维护宪政、制约权力的一种制度,为现代国家的法治建设发挥着重要作用。
Of the first modern interpretation of the Constitution than to the scientific community-is John Hart Ely. 最早对现代宪法解释方法作出较科学界分的是约翰·哈特·伊利(JohnHartEly)。
It includes five aspects: to safeguard the authority of the Constitution, the realization of reunification of the rule of law, interpretation of the Constitution to prevent frequent constitutional amendment to defend the will of the people. 该部分包括四个方面的内容:维护宪法权威、实现法制统一、解释宪法,防止频繁修宪、捍卫人民的意志。